Solsidan ;)

Yesterday I downloaded the first season of SOLSIDAN and watch it all afternoon... Hahahaha, this is from the second season, have fun watching it:


Fucking python!

I try to be a good girl and do my homework, but I get fucking mad when my programming program, Python stops working. It stopped yesterday, the day before yesterday and all days before that. Aaaand of course today again! Buuut, thank god I only have 50 pages left to work with!

And yes, I write the codes right, but the program still says error... Like this a easy program can look like that just have got error…

Me gusta ;)

Yesterday I was allowed to swim for....15 minuets! :D It was really fun, but hard, because my mum was there to coach me. She did a good job, but when you been ill for almost three weeks it isn´t easy to just swim as fast as you can. In some of the exercises I was only allowed to swim with my legs with resulted in problems with my balance. Today I´m allowed swimming for 30 minutes, so I am looking forward to this evening. Maybe I will also have some time to talk to my swimmer friends, because I haven´t talk with them in weeks. :(

Buuuuut, I didn´t finish my schedule for studying yesterday, so today I need to study a lot :(

See ya later, hopefully I´m finish then... <3


This is a movie recorded the day before I went to Barcelona. 

Sommaren är kort.... <3


Today I was suppost to go to my hairdresser. I had thought over the last few weeks that I should cut my hear really short, like my little brother is something. But I chicken out today :( I went to my hairdresser, but she only cut my hair 0,5 decimeters...

My hair looks like this:

ANd my brothers like this:


Hmm, next time I am gona cut it shorter... OOOr? <33


BU, did I scare you? ;)

It´s complicaded.... :(

Programming i Python, and to understand what I am doing is hard and boring. Today it´s warm outside, more or less 20 degrece. Me gusta! :D Soup for lunch, went outside for a shourt walk with my brother...

Mabey this song will tear you up ;) <33


Tada! :D

Today I went up at seven o´clock because I should coach my group. Today I had seven happy swimmers, and they were really good. Like one boy, David, normally he hates to put his head under water, but today he just jumped in the water and put his head under the water while he was screaming to me that I should look at him.

It was really fun today, we played a lot and the kids made huge progresses! We played the famous Tada-game and it was so fun! :D

After walls I swam for 15 minutes, just because I couldn´t let it be. :D

Apparently dinner is now ready, so bye<33

GRRRR, Dumma Python!

Det Python programet som jag försöker programera i vägrar funka! GRR!!!



During the Spanish lesson on Friday my teacher asked me if I am gona miss my Spanish friends. At the time we were saying bye to the Spanish people we were standing in the light hall, in the middle of the school where everybody saw us. It was really embarrassing when she asked me; because everybody turned around and looked at me, and my teacher knew that I was gona miss my friends a lot. On Thursday, when the Spanish people was leaving, I stand crying in the Light hall...

Haha, today I saw this picture and I couldn´t stop laughing. Here we are in the subway, and I am just describing the way for Christina. People at the subway thought we were loco (crazy). "You go outside, take right and go up for the stairs. Outside, right and stairs"

Hahahaha, i can´t stop laughing :D:D:D

Bella, Christina, I and Anna... <33333333333333333333333


Plugglista för påsklovet^^ Btw, på tisdag får jag börja simma igen... YAY!:)<3

Hjälmat huvud...

Facebook laggar, ladda upp bilder på bloggen laggar, mitt huvud är som en tickande bomb av huvudvärk och min mobil har hängt sig. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Estoy estudiando español...

No me gusta la clase de español... :(


När jag tog bort bomullen som satt i örat så pyste det.... Lite weird...

Bye bye Spanish people

Today the Spanish people went home, to barcelona. :(:(:(:((:( In the morning I, Marina, Nestor and Pera played Call of Duty and it was really fun! <3

Almost all the swedish people in the intercambio..

Life is so fucking unfair

When is my fucking ears gona stop hurting so much that I can have a normal life????

Varför måste jag alltid drabbas av allt?:(<3

Varför måste jag alltid drabbas av allt?:(<3

Är påväg till bondelandet:)<3

Är påväg till bondelandet:)<3

Yesterday, all my problems seemed so far away....

Igår var kul, igår var kallt, igår nice. Vi lyckades grilla lite marsmellows på stranden, asnice ;)  . Just nu sover fortfarande min spanjor, funderar på näär jag ska väcka henne. Typ vid tre ska vi vara inne i stan, men nån gång måste vi ju handla mat också... Ikväll ska vi ut till en ö där det förhoppningsvis bara kmr vara folk från utbytet Tycker annars lite synd om killen som bor där om en massa folk kommer dit och gör sönder allt...

Jag lagade middag igår, kyckling och ris med en sås som var svår att göra. men min spanjor typ älskade maten, hon tyckte att jag skulle bli kock...

Kaanske borde plugga lite nu, känns som om att det inte kmr bli mkt annars den här helgen... Puss<3

Tonight we´re going ppppapaparparparty

Today my spanish girl visited my school.. In the afternoon we went shopping....

tonight there is a barbeque, so we´re t´heading there ;)

See yaaa<333

Is it a good picture or not, I can´t deside...

Mañana, Mañana babes...

The first day at school went... totally okey. I got a lot to catch up with, but it was fun meating everybody again... :D

Mañana babes, the spanish people are coming again! :D

This is a video where I swim crawl, and sadly it doesn´t look good. I need to concentrate more, strech more - make me longer in the water. look at my arms, why are they so different??!

Mañana, Mañana babes... are the spanish people coming, at least one good thing :D


Today I went to the doctor. After a long analyze I was told to go to the emergency department at the hospital. So my mum and I went there and I got to see a specialist. She told me I got an ear infection in both ears and ear fungus. So now I some medicines, hopefully I will be better...

This actually made me laugh today, so hopefully I can give you a good laugh too.. I talk in Swedish... Bye<33

No me gusta ingés...

Today I feel better, so I started study some. But my problem is a usual, my texts gets to long...

Now I´m return to my English novel. Bye<3


Where does she get her creativity??



Life is so unfair... :(

Hopefully I can go to school tomorrow, if I can´t, I´m gona need a doctor.




MY BROTHER, bodysurfing at Fuerteventura...

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Apparently I´m not...

Next time I am gona make it! ;)


Right now I am actually feeling a bit better. I have been resting the whole day untill now, so my head is better and after a painkilling tablett my ear feels better. I do still have fever, but it is not as high as it was yesterday...

groupphoto at the cabel car of Barcelona. Totally we waited 2 hourse for a 15 minut travel, but I think it was worth it. :D I <3 Barcelona, I want to go back! <33
Now I am probably gona sleep, so if I don´t write more today you know what has happend... <3

No good news..

What a boring blog to read, the last three posts have all been about how terrible I feel.. Today I didn´t make it too school, so I got to fix that somebody brings my books home with them so that I can pick them up at there house...

Our chambermaids have been here today and I tried to tell them in spanish why I wasn´t in school today. I think I made it! :D

people at the bowling center. I want to go back to Barcelooona! <3

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