
During the Spanish lesson on Friday my teacher asked me if I am gona miss my Spanish friends. At the time we were saying bye to the Spanish people we were standing in the light hall, in the middle of the school where everybody saw us. It was really embarrassing when she asked me; because everybody turned around and looked at me, and my teacher knew that I was gona miss my friends a lot. On Thursday, when the Spanish people was leaving, I stand crying in the Light hall...

Haha, today I saw this picture and I couldn´t stop laughing. Here we are in the subway, and I am just describing the way for Christina. People at the subway thought we were loco (crazy). "You go outside, take right and go up for the stairs. Outside, right and stairs"

Hahahaha, i can´t stop laughing :D:D:D

Bella, Christina, I and Anna... <33333333333333333333333


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